Saturday, October 6, 2012


As some may know I came to tears in class Friday during role play. I came to tears because for once I felt what my mother had to go through in life. Not only did she live it once but twice. My father came to the United States before I was born. He came here for a better life for his family. He came here in search for a better life and I would say he found it. Not only was he looking for a better life for him but for his family. He left my mother, brother and sister in Mexico while worked here in the states. He would work hard in order to get them here in the states to be together again. Once he was able to afford for them to go to the states they were able to get a small apartment and be reunited. My older siblings started school but had a hard time at first because of the language barrier. I'm sure life wasn't easy at first but they learned to accommodate in the American culture. As things were getting better my parents decided to have me then my younger brother. I would say it was easier for my brother and I to fit into the American culture because we were born here and have been surrounded in this culture.  Some might say that I'm "white wash" meaning that I'm a Americanized Mexican. I guess people can say that but I do consider myself a  Mexican. Although I wasn't born or raised in Mexico I was able to lean from my parents the language and culture of a beautiful place. We might not of had our extended family with us but I could say it did bring us together. I am grateful for what my parents decided a long time ago because if went for them I wouldn't be here. I am here receiving and education to help my future generations.

1 comment:

  1. Lulu,
    I'm so glad that you got to share this story with us in class. It really touched me. I think you made the emotion in the class more real. I just wanted to thank you for doing that.
